What is this?
This is a case making program, for making Phoenix Wright style games. It has a GUI and easy navigation to speed up the process of making cases, and try and cut down on the difficulty/learning curve of programming in raw PWLib.
Who does this?
I make this! As you can see by the author name on the site, my handle over on the Court Records forums and on discord is “C272”. You can check me out by following these two links: Court Records/Discord
How can I download the software?
At the moment, easyCase is in a closed beta. So, you’ll have to contact me at one of the links above to get access, for now.
When a full release is ready, there’ll be plenty of notice from me on the development logs from this website, and also on Court Records, so don’t worry about missing it. If you’re really interested in the project, and don’t want to miss a thing, consider bookmarking this site with CTRL+D.